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Lorianna Kastrop
Nov 30, 20154 min read
Thermal Comfort in Your Office and Home
By Marie Barron, Designer, The Kastrop Group, Inc., Architects Last week we finally got some rain, and the weather’s finally cooling from...
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Lorianna Kastrop
Nov 18, 20142 min read
Frank Gehry flips the bird and insults his profession
By Lorianna Kastrop, Vice President, The Kastrop Group, Inc. Architects Our design team got a laugh out of the news story from a press...
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Lorianna Kastrop
Sep 9, 20142 min read
Architect or Designer– What’s the difference?
Many folks mistakenly think that architecture and design are basically the same thing. Architecture can only be performed by a licensed...

Lorianna Kastrop
Jul 15, 20143 min read
Remodel for your own needs and enjoyment
For someone who doesn’t really like to cook, I LOVE my new kitchen. You’ve heard the old expression, “The cobbler’s children have no...
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Lorianna Kastrop
Jul 2, 20143 min read
I need it Yesterday. Why does it take so long?
This is a common refrain in the construction industry. An ironic related issue is that potential clients take months (sometimes years)...
Lorianna Kastrop
Apr 9, 20142 min read
Amazing Progress- Technology in Architecture
By now almost everyone is aware that most architects don’t draw their designs at a drafting table with a protractor and a t-square...
Lorianna Kastrop
Jan 29, 20143 min read
Architect or Starchitect?
The other day we received a referral from a friend who told us that her son and his wife wanted to remodel their home but were afraid to...

Lorianna Kastrop
Aug 19, 20133 min read
Green Design
By now you are aware that “green” and sustainable design is a hot topic in the field of architecture. There are many resources to find...

Lorianna Kastrop
May 17, 20133 min read
Call an Architect for Reliable Property Advice
Everybody thinks they can design! Many people are enthusiastic about making suggestions for building improvements and give their advice...

Lorianna Kastrop
May 1, 20132 min read
Project Sites — What is Ordinary?
The other day a potential client contacted our company for a consultation about adding on to his home . We asked for his address and a...

Lorianna Kastrop
Apr 22, 20132 min read
Sinkholes and Structures
The catastrophes caused by sinkholes have been in the news a lot lately. Here is an example that includes an entire gallery of sinkhole...

Lorianna Kastrop
Feb 14, 20133 min read
A Backlog is Good for Business
Backlog fuels the fire Some people think a “backlog” is a negative thing. We certainly don’t want a backlog of chores to do. But...

Lorianna Kastrop
Jan 15, 20133 min read
Designing for Your Reality
When architects specialize in one type of building, it creates a clear path for marketing the firm. For example, one design and...

Lorianna Kastrop
Sep 12, 20122 min read
Beneficial Buildings and Healthy Homes: Plastic Sheeting and Duct Tape
This is the third in a series of articles about what you can do to improve your living and working environments. There have been many...

Lorianna Kastrop
Sep 12, 20123 min read
Beneficial Buildings and Healthy Homes: Eleven Safety Tips
This is the second in a series of articles about what you can do to improve your living and working environments. There have been many...
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