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COVID-19 Virus update as of March 16, 2020

Lorianna Kastrop

Dear Clients,

We are aware that six Bay Area counties including San Mateo County, have issued shelter-in-place orders for three weeks beginning tomorrow. Public meetings and non-emergency interactions with the public are suspended until further notice.

We know that you rely on us to make every effort to keep your project moving forward. As a result of the shelter-in-place order, The Kastrop Group has requested that our employees work remotely from home. Our projects and drawings are hosted on a cloud computer service and our staff is working on all our projects to the extent that we are able.

In keeping with safety protocols, our office will be closed. We will have to postpone face-to-face meetings, site visits, and in-person visits to city or county departments. Whenever possible we are communicating by email and telephone with agencies that are still open. We are unsure, however, if your project will be delayed due to agency closures and restrictions.

We send you our best wishes for the health and safety of you and your family. We will communicate with you directly whenever we have specific information about your project. We appreciate your patience and trust at this difficult time.

Best Regards,

D. Michael Kastrop, A.I.A. President, Principal Architect

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